Melina Perez has returned to the ring tonight, against the little toasted white girl Alicia Fox, and had the California crowd pretty much eating out of her little hand. Me too, as a matter of fact. With her inky black hair, fiery Latin temper, and the fact that she can be best described by the word "bendy," Melina is one of my favorite ladies in WWE, and I'm overjoyed that she has returned from her injury whole and better than ever.
The match was intense and stiff. The crowed was fully on Melina's side, even rudely chanting "you can't wrestle," at Alicia Fox a few times. I mean it's probably true... she doesn't really have any talent, but it's just not the kind of thing a polite person would point out, you know? Anyway, after exchanging lots of very rough spots, Melina won with her weird looking, flippy, sunset power bomb, the Primal Scream. After a nice loud shriek--the third best in wrestling, behind Your Soul's Tormentor and the Scream Queen herself--the match was over and the RAW women's division was one step closer to respectable... which is one step closer than Wrestlicious wil ever be.
MLP To Crown First Women’s Champion In May
20 hours ago
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