Okay, as of this morning, I had planned to return to my alma mater to obtain a teaching certification... actually two of them, in history and physical education. Unfortunately, without telling me, things have changed, and now alumni have to reapply before taking more classes. Because, obviously, my qualifications have changed since LAST FREAKING NIGHT, and they won't be able to let me in until January. Which, dumb blond on the phone, is winter, not spring. Sigh.
Anyway, I now have to decide if I'm going to go to the Southern Theological Seminary, which I could register to right now, or American Public University, which I would have to wait a couple of days to register to, if they let me back in. I'm probably going to go with the seminary option, as it's a slightly more prestigious school and a more focused, professional degree. The whole situation is downright irritating, though!
MLP To Crown First Women’s Champion In May
20 hours ago
Sounds like quite a hassle, but I wish you the best whatever your decision may be.
ReplyDeleteI'll finally try to send an email to everyone this Friday/Saturday with details about what's been going on and the big trips coming up. Hang in there :3
Decided on the STS, doing a pretty nifty ancient languages Maser's degree. Looking forward to the email, too, and hearing how you're doing.